This page provides a list of frequently asked questions and answers. Click on a title to expand its contents
General questions
What is the purpose of this website?
This website is provided as a tool for patients to access some of their records online, send and receive messages from the clinic, fill out forms, check their appointment schedule and look up resources. The clinic staff can also use this website to check appointment schedule and staff directory.
Is my information secure?
Yes. This website uses a secure connection which encrypts your information before sending between your browser and our server.
Can I pay my bills online?
No. At this time there is no capability on the website to process payments.
Sign up/Log in questions
I'm not a patient yet, so why should I sign up?
If you wish to become our patient, signing up will allow you to set up your initial appointment and fill out some of the forms online in your own time. This will make your first visit shorter since we will not have to ask you to fill out the forms manually.
I signed up. What happens now?
You can expect an email or a call from us within the next five business days. When we contact you, we will set up your first appointment and tell you which forms you need to fill out before you come in.
I'm already a patient, but I don't have a password. What should I do?
In order to protect your privacy, we ask you to contact the clinic by phone and request a new password.
I forgot my password. How do I get a new one?
Call the clinic by phone and request a new password.
How can I change my password?
Once you log on to your account, you can go to "My details" > "Email and password" form. Enter your current password in "Old password" field and your new password in the following two fields.
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